
“Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate”

— J.R.R. Tolkien

 New and secret worlds, hidden corners, new ways of thinking, new discoveries. I’ve always loved exploring new worlds, whether by getting lost in a good book, playing a MMORPG**, or getting to know a new culture, country or language. Each country and culture has something valuable to contribute to civilization. Each new language opens a new way of thinking about the world, reflecting the reality of the culture that created it. I love to see how different elements come together to reveal the underlying whole.

In many ways, quilting is similar.  I love to see how different shapes and colors come together to form new patterns and how the same pattern can look entirely different when made with different fabrics.  Quilting adds another dimension, sometimes highlighting and sometimes obscuring the underlying patterns.  And in the end, somehow the whole becomes greater than the parts — when it works at least!

Like my quilts, I have layers and patterns, not all immediately visible.  Here are a few random facts to help you get to know me better.

  • If Doctor Who offered for me join him in the Tardis, I would step in without a moment’s hesitation. Exploring all of space and time and saving the universe! What could possibly be better?!
  • At a staff meeting where we all gave each other super hero names (I have no idea why!), I learned that I was secretly nicknamed 007 by one friend and colleague. The other suggestion for my name was Lori Fury, based on Nick Fury, behind the scenes mastermind in the Avengers’ adventures.
  • I speak English, Chinese and Japanese fluently. A bit of Cantonese. And somewhere buried in my brain is French. If only I could find it! I am also a near-native speaker of sarcasm and grand master of smartassery, though only my closer friends usually get to see it my skills demonstrated in full.
  • I’ve been near death in a hospital in Israel, been shot at in Colombia, had my jeep catch fire in Mongolia, and have been caught in typhoons in Hong Kong and Macau.  People say I am very calm.
  • If you are familiar with the MBTI personality profiles, I test as an INTJ, the Mastermind.  I always knew there was a reason I wanted minions.

I hope you’ll join me as I explore quilting and share the random and funny things I find in my travels.   I would love to have some companions along the way.

** Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, to the uninitiated.

36 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog (PatchworknPlay) today- you seem to like my blue and white stars quilt! Your quilting on your placemats looks amazing! I wish mine was that good!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely love your About page! I am a Dr. Who fan. I have even written a poem about Dr. Who. I am an ISTJ, which I mentioned on my About page. If I ever find time, I think quilting would be fun to learn. I follow another blogger who quilts. Anyway, I think your blog sounds fun and interesting!

    Thank you for the Feedly tip back on one of the first days in Blogging 101. I have been slowing organizing the blogs I follow into categories. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m on my phone. I’ll check out the link when I’m ok my laptop 🙂 It only shows the url on the phone, but doesn’t link.


  3. I looked at your blog after you commented on one of my posts. I absolutely love this blog. I have made a few quilts in my life and may pursue it further when I retire. I want to follow this blog for inspiration and techniques. Beautiful site.


    1. Thanks, Lara! I took Blogging 101 at the beginning of 2015 and learned that one needs an about page. Otherwise this would have been blank! I have been very lucky to have had some wonderful experiences in my life, though I don’t think they are book-worthy.


  4. Hey, thanks for linking up to TGIFF! I LOVE your Which Way Should I Go quilt — the quilting accentuates the design beautifully. Tried leaving a comment on your post, but something funky is going on. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your description here, and I do look forward to reading more. You sound like a very interesting individual with lots of adventures, and I’d like to join in on a few of your journeys. 😊 Being a mother of two boys, my adventures are if a quite different nature and far away travels are simple a dream right now, but one day, I plan to fly. So, thanks for sharing with me what is out there that one day I long to see. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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