I made it! ALYoF Goal Completed

Just under the wire, here is my completed quilt for this month’s Lovely Year of Finishes. And one more checked off for the Binding Blitz!  Oh and a finish for my Finish Along 2015 goals as well. Edited Gaudynski class whole cloth This small wall hanging was the result of for a class I took many years ago with Diane Gaudynski, whose quilting I find  inspirational.  It was my first (and only!) quilting class to date and I really enjoyed it.  Diane suggests experimenting with Edited detail Gaudynski class whole cloth 2different color threads, so several are tried here.  I quilted around the main feathers in a soft green thread, which is also used on the sashiko quilting (dianeshiko?)  at the bottom right, and used a teal blue in the bottom left.  I am surprised the teal actually seems to provide a very good contrast and sets off the feathers, whereas the soft green competes when it is in the filler quilting (probably because I used it around the entire feather.  I am not too thrilled with the pink and the gold in the filler quilting, but interesting to see how they show up on the quilt. I was also experimenting with different designs, all done free free motion and with minimal marking.  One of the characteristics of Diane Gaudynski’s quilts is the very evenly spaced lines. I am rather amazed at how even my echoing  came out on this quilt.  I think she must have super powers that affect even her students, because I do not think I could get my spacing that even now even if my life depended on it.Edited Gaudynski class whole cloth back To finish up the quilt, I used a single fold binding and started and finished at the corner (my current favorite way since it avoids me needing to join ends).  That one corner could be better…but could also be a lot worse lol.  I also added little pockets in the corners of the quilt back so it can be hung by adding a dowel. Linking this up to A Year of Lovely Finishes,  Free Motion Mavericks, and TGIFF (once they open up).  It is also a 1st Quarter Finish Along goal list

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23 thoughts on “I made it! ALYoF Goal Completed”

  1. A class with Diane Gaudynski is high on my list of hope-to-does; I have been awed by her quilting at several shows and that is was on DSM. When I was suggesting a contrasting color to my longarm quilter (of a queen size quilt) she said that same color emphasizes the quilting, different color emphasizes the thread. Your experiment is confirming what she said. Your quilting looks good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you get a chance to take a class with Diane. I was very lucky that she lives in the same state as my brother and was giving a class in his city just at the time I was visiting. Diane actually uses a lot of different thread colors, but it is subtle so they almost blend into the quilt and add just a subtle differentiation. There is so much to learn!


  2. I’m in total agreement about the teal thread. The pink is a bit jarring. But better to learn that on a practice piece. I’ve read Diane’s book and tried some of what she calls easy stuff. Ha! You won’t catch me using contrasting thread any time soon.

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  3. Hey, this is nice! Super long-term finish. 🙂 It’s interesting to see the different effects of different color threads. I’m not confident at all with choosing show-up colors yet. I need to loosen up and try more things to get some experience!

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  4. This is a lovely piece of quilting. Seeing the different filler designs in different coloured threads in the background is really interesting. I rather like the pink.

    Thank you for linking up with Free Motion Mavericks.

    Love, Muv

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